Who's That Guy You Ask...
Ryan O'Leary
Ryan writes the steamiest erotica and most playful, flirty romance around. Please enjoy J's White Tank Top, the first book in my J's Closet series in the Tab beside my pictures. For 18+ only please! Rarely will you find Ryan O'Leary in a state of rest; if he's not on the ice or kicking around a soccer ball, he's plotting his next story or out on the town with friends. His fun and flirty nature makes it possible for him to write the kind of romance that makes the reader both smile and tingle.
Biography (In Ryan's words)
"I've been writing for years and when I found out that there was a genre where I could put my flirty personality to good use, I jumped on the opportunity and here I am. I try to make myself as accessible to my fans and friends as possible. I've been told that I'm fun to interact with, so hopefully I'll see you around here more often. The only thing I ask is that you don't be shy."
Ryan will be hosting launch party on Facebook this Saturday
Fast 5 Questions with Ryan O’Leary
1. Can you describe your write style in one sentence?
“Procrastination with bouts of mania.”
2. What are your top 5 books
“Fight Club, The Great Gatsby, The Surrender, Any of the Dark Tower books by Stephen King, Playboy (it's a monthly book and I read it for the articles, I swear)”
3. If you were not writing what would you be doing?
“Anything to do with sports.”
4. If you had to give up all but one of the following what would you keep. Facebook, Twitter, your phone or your laptop?
“I could easily do without the first 3, so I'd have to say laptop. Can't write on FB or Twitter and it'd be a pain to do it on my phone.”
5. Lastly, if you had to recommend one author other than yourself who would it be and why?
“Sable Hunter of course, and not because she and I have worked together in the past and will be in the future, but because her books make you feel every emotion possible, the good one and the bad ones.”
Check out Ryan on Facebook
His blog
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