BLOG TOUR: Falling Into You by Jasinda Wilder Interview, Review, Book Trailer and Giveaways
I wasn't always in love with Colton Calloway; I was in love with his younger brother, Kyle, first. Kyle was my first one true love, my first in every way.
I actually started with the title first, and tried a few other ideas to go with it. Then I remembered a friend of mine who went through something very much like Nell’s experience with Kyle’s death. That turned into an exploration of the effect such an experience would have on Nell. My friend did not react the same way as Nell, just FYI. She grieved and is doing okay, now.
What was your inspiration in creating the characters? Was it hard to do a story about 2 broken souls?
Nell and Colton are…all of us. They are everyone who has felt such pain that we have to take life one breath at time (wasn’t that a line in Sleepless in Seattle?) The inspiration for them was to explore the effects of their individual experiences, i.e. Nell’s refusal to grieve, Colton’s dyslexia and being alone in New York at seventeen. Was it hard? Yes. I came to think of them as real people, friends. To see them go through such terrible experiences was very hard. But we are all broken, in some way, aren’t we? And that, as I said at the beginning, is the inspiration.
There were a lot of good songs incorporated in the story, was it something planned or you just thought of it while writing it?
It wasn’t planned, actually. I’d been wanting to do a book with a playlist, since I’d read a few other great books with playlists or music incorporated into them. I always listen to music when I write and these songs inspired me.
Among all the books that you have read, which of these has significantly contributed to your writing style?
Oh god. All of them. Every book I read influence my writing style. One book may give me an idea for a character, another may influence my use of certain words or phrases. Bella Andre was one the first writers in my overall genre that I read, so I have to give her credit for inspiring me. I believe in the power of love to bring two people together and past any obstacle. I believe in the healing power of love, and the wonder that accompanies sex between two amazing people.
The book was out in just a few days and we have been receiving incredible feedback about it, did you ever expect that people would have such a warm reception over the book? How do you feel about it?
I never expected this kind of reception. I knew as I was writing, and after I read the first draft, that I had what seemed to me to be a powerful story that would likely touch a few people. I never, ever expected the amazing, overwhelming outpouring I’ve gotten.
Let’s do our fast talk:
• Coffee or tea? Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
• Lights on / lights off? ON! I gotta see my man.
• Boxers or briefs? (For your man) Yes! I like my man in boxer briefs.
• Favorite male body part? Do you have to ask? LOL!
• Do you believe in love at first sight? Hmmm. I believe that there can be an instant chemistry, a unique connection established immediately. I think real, true love has to be developed. You have to have trust and friendship and respect for there to be love.
• 3 things you never leave home without? (apart from keys, phone and money)
You said except keys phone and money, so I’m guessing that means my purse counts? What woman ever leaves home without a purse? Not this one. I almost always have mints or gum. The third thing? My husband.
• Sleep in or get up early? Which do I do, or which do I wish for? I’d love to sleep in, but I’m up early.
• Ever slapped a guy? Slapped, punched, kicked, broken pools cues and beer bottles over heads…Anna from Big Girls is a DJ, and that’s one of the autobiographical bits. I’ve had some crazy experiences.
Any advice to give to aspiring writers?
Stop aspiring and start writing.
Any message to us, your fans?
I love you! You make this career so amazing.
And lastly, if I put my magic mirror in front of you, what would you tell yourself right at this very moment?
It’s only going to get better!
Jasinda Wilder is a Michigan native with a penchant for titillating tales about sexy men and strong women.
When she’s not writing, she’s probably shopping, baking, or reading.
Some of her favorite authors include Nora Roberts, JR Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Liliana Hart and Bella Andre.
She loves to travel and some of her favorite vacations spots are Las Vegas, New York City and Toledo, Ohio.
You can often find Jasinda drinking sweet red wine with frozen berries and eating a cupcake.
I wasn't always in love with Colton Calloway; I was in love with his younger brother, Kyle, first. Kyle was my first one true love, my first in every way.
Then, one stormy August night, he died, and the person I was died with him.
Colton didn't teach me how to live. He didn't heal the pain. He didn't make it okay. He taught me how to hurt, how to not be okay, and, eventually, how to let go.
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Can you tell us something we don’t know about Jasinda?
I play the flute and the piano.
When did you first realize that you wanted to become a writer?
I published Preacher’s Son as something to do for fun and to see if I could actually sell any of them. Then I started writing Big Girls Do it Better as a cathartic journal entry (it is semi-autobiographical, but I’m not telling which parts!). When that turned into a series, I realized how much I loved writing. Then that sort of took off and found its audience, and the rest is history.
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Interview with Ms. Jasinda Wilder
Can you tell us something we don’t know about Jasinda?
I play the flute and the piano.
When did you first realize that you wanted to become a writer?
I published Preacher’s Son as something to do for fun and to see if I could actually sell any of them. Then I started writing Big Girls Do it Better as a cathartic journal entry (it is semi-autobiographical, but I’m not telling which parts!). When that turned into a series, I realized how much I loved writing. Then that sort of took off and found its audience, and the rest is history.
So let’s talk about the book. Why do you feel you had to tell this story? Is there something in this book that is based on real life experience?
I actually started with the title first, and tried a few other ideas to go with it. Then I remembered a friend of mine who went through something very much like Nell’s experience with Kyle’s death. That turned into an exploration of the effect such an experience would have on Nell. My friend did not react the same way as Nell, just FYI. She grieved and is doing okay, now.
What was your inspiration in creating the characters? Was it hard to do a story about 2 broken souls?
Nell and Colton are…all of us. They are everyone who has felt such pain that we have to take life one breath at time (wasn’t that a line in Sleepless in Seattle?) The inspiration for them was to explore the effects of their individual experiences, i.e. Nell’s refusal to grieve, Colton’s dyslexia and being alone in New York at seventeen. Was it hard? Yes. I came to think of them as real people, friends. To see them go through such terrible experiences was very hard. But we are all broken, in some way, aren’t we? And that, as I said at the beginning, is the inspiration.
There were a lot of good songs incorporated in the story, was it something planned or you just thought of it while writing it?
It wasn’t planned, actually. I’d been wanting to do a book with a playlist, since I’d read a few other great books with playlists or music incorporated into them. I always listen to music when I write and these songs inspired me.
Among all the books that you have read, which of these has significantly contributed to your writing style?
Oh god. All of them. Every book I read influence my writing style. One book may give me an idea for a character, another may influence my use of certain words or phrases. Bella Andre was one the first writers in my overall genre that I read, so I have to give her credit for inspiring me. I believe in the power of love to bring two people together and past any obstacle. I believe in the healing power of love, and the wonder that accompanies sex between two amazing people.
The book was out in just a few days and we have been receiving incredible feedback about it, did you ever expect that people would have such a warm reception over the book? How do you feel about it?
I never expected this kind of reception. I knew as I was writing, and after I read the first draft, that I had what seemed to me to be a powerful story that would likely touch a few people. I never, ever expected the amazing, overwhelming outpouring I’ve gotten.
Let’s do our fast talk:
• Coffee or tea? Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
• Lights on / lights off? ON! I gotta see my man.
• Boxers or briefs? (For your man) Yes! I like my man in boxer briefs.
• Favorite male body part? Do you have to ask? LOL!
• Do you believe in love at first sight? Hmmm. I believe that there can be an instant chemistry, a unique connection established immediately. I think real, true love has to be developed. You have to have trust and friendship and respect for there to be love.
• 3 things you never leave home without? (apart from keys, phone and money)
You said except keys phone and money, so I’m guessing that means my purse counts? What woman ever leaves home without a purse? Not this one. I almost always have mints or gum. The third thing? My husband.
• Sleep in or get up early? Which do I do, or which do I wish for? I’d love to sleep in, but I’m up early.
• Ever slapped a guy? Slapped, punched, kicked, broken pools cues and beer bottles over heads…Anna from Big Girls is a DJ, and that’s one of the autobiographical bits. I’ve had some crazy experiences.
Any advice to give to aspiring writers?
Stop aspiring and start writing.
Any message to us, your fans?
I love you! You make this career so amazing.
And lastly, if I put my magic mirror in front of you, what would you tell yourself right at this very moment?
It’s only going to get better!
Jasinda Wilder has taught me a lot! I now know that some stories are made for at home reading and some are not to be read at 30,000 feet in the air. Especial not in first class beside a businessman who keeps asking if you are ok because you keep crying! I know now that the “ugly cry” is better left at home under the covers. Mostly she taught me that even in your darkest hour when you feel that you have nothing left you can always find the beauty of love. To say that this book rocked me to my core is an understatement!
“I can’t be fixed.”
“You’re committed to being broken forever?”
“Goddamit, Colton. Why are you doing this? You don’t know me.”
“I want to.” It’s the answer to both of her statements.”
Falling Into You follows the journey of Nell and her childhood best friend turned boyfriend Kyle. Life doesn’t always turn out as planned. In an instant tragedy rocks Nell’s world and it’s in that moment that Colton, Kyle’s older brother, shows her that she will survive the pain but Nell is not ready.
“I wanted nothing more than to climb into the box with him and quit breathing, find him in whatever came after life.”
Two years have passed and Nell is still living in the same brittle state, lost and still in pain. Meeting back up with Colton brings back old feelings and Nell finds herself fighting what feels right. With thoughts of pain and a life lived on barrowed time Nell begins a new journey to find the person that she wants to be. Colton shows her that she needs to allow herself to feel. That she has to deal with the pain.
“I want you to let yourself be broken. Let yourself hurt.”
As we see the story through both Nell and Colton eyes we are able to fully understand tragedy along with the healing power of love. Anything worth having is worth work for. Both Nell and Colton learn that love is a fine balance of joy and pain but falling into love is never easy.
“I’m not just falling in love with you, Nell. I’m falling into you. You’re an ocean, and I’m falling in, drowning in the depths of who you are. Like you said, it’s scary in a way, but it’s also the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. You are the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Jasinda Wilder has done an amazing job of telling a story of sadness while still allowing you to see beauty. It sounds cliché but Jasinda words play out like a beautifully written song. The music becomes the forth character in this story. Emotions are best expressed through song. The playlist for this book is amazing (When you throw The Avett Brothers in the mix you can never go wrong). This book delivered so much with in its 223 pages and is a must read for anyone dealing with death. When the ones we love die it is hard to pick up the pieces. We move on by mourning their life but sometimes that isn’t enough. When your soul attaches to another you are permanently bound to each other and not even death can sever that bond. The hardest part of death is the living. Thank you Jasinda! Your words have moved me to tears and brought me back to joy and that is a gift I cherish!
“I can’t be fixed.”
“You’re committed to being broken forever?”
“Goddamit, Colton. Why are you doing this? You don’t know me.”
“I want to.” It’s the answer to both of her statements.”
Falling Into You follows the journey of Nell and her childhood best friend turned boyfriend Kyle. Life doesn’t always turn out as planned. In an instant tragedy rocks Nell’s world and it’s in that moment that Colton, Kyle’s older brother, shows her that she will survive the pain but Nell is not ready.
“I wanted nothing more than to climb into the box with him and quit breathing, find him in whatever came after life.”
Two years have passed and Nell is still living in the same brittle state, lost and still in pain. Meeting back up with Colton brings back old feelings and Nell finds herself fighting what feels right. With thoughts of pain and a life lived on barrowed time Nell begins a new journey to find the person that she wants to be. Colton shows her that she needs to allow herself to feel. That she has to deal with the pain.
“I want you to let yourself be broken. Let yourself hurt.”
As we see the story through both Nell and Colton eyes we are able to fully understand tragedy along with the healing power of love. Anything worth having is worth work for. Both Nell and Colton learn that love is a fine balance of joy and pain but falling into love is never easy.
“I’m not just falling in love with you, Nell. I’m falling into you. You’re an ocean, and I’m falling in, drowning in the depths of who you are. Like you said, it’s scary in a way, but it’s also the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced. You are the most amazing thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Jasinda Wilder has done an amazing job of telling a story of sadness while still allowing you to see beauty. It sounds cliché but Jasinda words play out like a beautifully written song. The music becomes the forth character in this story. Emotions are best expressed through song. The playlist for this book is amazing (When you throw The Avett Brothers in the mix you can never go wrong). This book delivered so much with in its 223 pages and is a must read for anyone dealing with death. When the ones we love die it is hard to pick up the pieces. We move on by mourning their life but sometimes that isn’t enough. When your soul attaches to another you are permanently bound to each other and not even death can sever that bond. The hardest part of death is the living. Thank you Jasinda! Your words have moved me to tears and brought me back to joy and that is a gift I cherish!
5 STARS!!!! A MUST READ!!!!!!

Some of her favorite authors include Nora Roberts, JR Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Liliana Hart and Bella Andre.
She loves to travel and some of her favorite vacations spots are Las Vegas, New York City and Toledo, Ohio.
You can often find Jasinda drinking sweet red wine with frozen berries and eating a cupcake.
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