BLOG TOUR: Reckless Abandon Review, Author Interview and Giveaways
Reckless Abandon
November Harris is lost. After a failed romance with musician Bo Cavanaugh, Ember is left struggling to regain her true self. The problem is, Bo won’t go away and Ember's stance is firm—she doesn't want him back.
Adrian Turner, Ember's ex-boyfriend-turned confidant, is patient with her heartbreak, but he can't hold back his own feelings forever.
As she sorts through her past, in an effort to plan a solid future, Ember will find that sometimes even the best laid plans bow to the soul's desire for reckless abandon.

First I have to say BRAVO! Andrea has proven that “one hit wonder” isn't even on her radar. Andrea’s writing grabs hold of you from page one. I read this book weeks ago and yet it feels as if I just put it down. Words are a powerful tool and with that said I never want to meet Andrea in a dark alley! Because that chicks got mad skills! The way her words flood the page and with the feelings they create its no wonder everyone I talk to about this book agrees that Reckless Abandon is an amazingly written story.
I fell in love with both Ember and Bo the moment The Wailin’ Jennys lyrics poured from their lips in Ten Days of Perfect. All of the characters in Reckless Abandon grab hold of you! Well I take that back everyone EXCEPT Ainsley! I know I know she was a necessary evil but boy do I hate her! But on the brighter side we got to meet Regan and we now know that he will be the continuing story in book three of the November Blue series. Once you read this book and hit the 73% mark you will know what is just so special about Regan! Be ready for a reading marathon! This is a read that will keep you tied to your e-reader till you read “The End”. Once again Andrea has made me fall in love with a story that I will never forget and will be sure to read over and over again so a HUGE thank you is in order! I am looking for to many more late night reads brought to life via one Andrea Randall!!
The Interview:
1. What was the inspiration behind Ember's character? I wanted to read something other than the helpless virgin who finds herself unattractive, honestly. I wanted to get to the meat of a relationship and the meat of insecurities that go way beyond what happens in a mirror.
2. I love that she comes from a free spirited back ground…is there a little of you in Ember? There is. She’s a fantasy version of myself; hippie parents, living on the beach, free to do as she pleases.
3. Can you tell us a little about how you came up with the concept for Ten Days of Perfect? I broke my leg in April 2012. With loads of time on my hands I was reading a ton and decided I wanted to create an MC like I described above. I knew there had to be a musician, because music’s really important to me. I put that on the back burner, wrote the first “garage” scene, and took it from there.
4. Did you find it hard to create the story within a ten day time frame? That kind of just happened. I knew it was going to be a lightning-quick attraction-explosion...then I heard Jose Gonzalez’s “Heartbeats” and thought “okay, I can do ten days. That sounds good.”
5. Reckless Abandon has Ember making some hard life choices and I almost felt that there were points that the book could have went two totally different paths. Did you have a clear cut end when you are started writing Reckless Abandon? I thought I did. Then I didn’t. Then I decided to let them lead the way. The original outline for Reckless Abandon is QUITE different from how it turned out. I got a little too attached to Adrian for a second, so I went and wrote a bunch of Bo scenes to see where we stood. I made Bo prove some things to me.
6. You have written two books with very strong secondary characters. Can you share if you have books in the works for those characters? I do have plans for books for them. :) I can’t share much more than that without giving away the ending to RA. BUT, I can say, we WILL see Regan Kane again, hopefully soon.
7. Will continue Ember’s story into a third book? It will. And, thank you for calling it “Ember’s story,” because, it is. :)
8. Music became its own character in both of your books. I know that the title of Ten Days of Perfect and Embers name were taken from songs. Do you find it easier to relate your words with music? I always have songs and soundtracks playing in my head. I want the books to read like one long love song.
9. If you had to sum up both books in one song what would that song be? Oh Jesus. Um. OKAY...just off the top of my head.... “If You Ever Come Back” by The Script.
10. Do you have a person moment of reckless abandonment that you can share? This writing thing I find myself doing ;)
11. Now that Reckless Abandon is out and there is amazing feedback is there anything you would change? Not a thing.

Ten Days of Perfect is available for Kindle and paperback through Amazon now!
I started writing poetry long before writing fiction. I firmly believe Poetry is a solid foundation for all other forms of writing. It taught me that a single word can make or break the world.
I write fiction because my characters have a story and they want me to tell it.
I hope you enjoy the pieces of my soul that I share with you.
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