Book Blogger Day at The Book Avenue
I was barely new to this book blogging craze and to be honest, its not really easy to be one. It takes a lot of your time, energy, sometimes even money. I for one would be a true and living witness of that. Reading, writing reviews, along with making book trailers ain't an easy job. But we do it for the love of them...the authors, the readers who continuously follow and support us in all ways possible.
I personally would like to thank all my fellow bloggers who have helped and supported me, who have patiently watched and shared all my book trailers and teasers. Big shout out also to all the authors especially the Naughty Mafia Girls, Katie Ashley, Emily Snow, Kelli Maine, Michelle Valentine and Kristen Proby and to all the new authors who have entrusted us their stories, excerpts, blog tours and cover reveals, you don't know how much it really means to us. To all my book friends especially the RTH Girls, Nikki, Holly, Kim, Bobbie, Brei, Brandy, Tanya, Nichelle, Erika, thanks for all the love! You know I'd do anything for all of you! Special mention to my fellow Aidan Obsesser Sarah Reilly, fellow Kristen Proby avid follower Pamela Carrion, my ever loyal book trailer buddy Missy Mackenzie Swain.
And to all the followers who have perpetually watched my videos and read my reviews, thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart. Having had the chance to meet all of you in one way or another definitely make up all those sleepless nights. In the end, I'd say it's all worth it!

I was lucky enough to get a chance to talk to some of our favorite Book Bloggers. Here's their say about the Joys and Hardships about book blogging. Thank you to all the bloggers who took their time out of their busy schedule to answer and participate for this special.
Mollie Kay Harper of Tough Critic Review
Blogging allows me to share my love and passion with others. If I experience something great, I want...I need for everybody to share that experience. Through blogging I have developed more than just friendships with authors, bloggers, and other readers. People joined by a common passion for books. People who support and encourage each other. However, it's because of these relationships that it becomes increasingly difficult. I'm not just reviewing a book written by a name, but there is a face and friend behind that name. People I care about. The more I read, the more I want to read and there just aren't enough hours in the day. Blogging isn't a competition, it isn't about you. It's about the books we love. If you ever forget why you became a blogger or if it ever stops being's time to power down and just read. Remember why! Happy New Year! READ ON!
Reviews by Tammy & Kim
Thanks for including us! Our blog is still fairly new, so it makes us happy when we gain new blog and Facebook followers. And it has been fun getting to chat with authors we admire. It is challenging sometimes to find the time to read and review since we are both married, have kids, Tammy is in school, and Kim works full time. And sometimes we struggle with writing reviews because it is a fine line between doing a full review and giving too much away. We do not want to post spoilers or ruin the book for anyone else, so we try to be careful with that. We have both been enjoying our new blog venture and networking with other bloggers/authors.
Autumn Review
The best thing I've gotten out of blogging are the relationships I've made with authors and other bloggers. Over this past year, I've made friendships that are certain to last a long time. The thing I struggle with the most with blogging is making sure I find time to read book that I buy. It's a struggle to balance it all, but I really can't complain. I'm a pretty lucky girl. I get to read some amazing books!
Kim Box Person of Kindlehooked
The whole reason I blog is to share my love of reading and the amazing new authors I've met! It is do gratifying to see an indie author I love get offered the deals they've only dreamt about! I love the readers and had a reader say to me recently that they can feel my enthusiasm in my posts when I find a new book I adore!
Difficulties well the one thing I would change if I could is to blog full time and stop working!
Blogging has introduced me to so many new people and I've made so many new friends who share the passion I have for reading and that right there makes it all worth it at the end of the day!
Thanks Cris
Tanya Y. Childress of Kindlehooked
Hey Cris for me I would say I love to do the giveaways and post reviews and just share good books and good deals with people. Blogging is however very time consuming.
Aestas BookBlogger
Here you go!
"What are the joys and difficulties of book blogging?"
For me, its the excitement of connecting with all these readers who share the same book passion as I do! I love "meeting" people I'd never otherwise get a chance to know and I love coordinating with authors to host giveaways and interviews and finding new ways to share these amazing books with everyone!
Its such a rewarding experience to hear back from readers who have thanked me for introducing them to their favorite books.
On the flip side, blogging also takes a lot of time. And I mean a lot. But I do it because its fun to me and, at the end of the day, its really just a wonderful feeling to share the books I love with everyone so its all worth it
Into the Night Reviews
Some of the joys of book blogging are: I love introducing Indie Author's to readers. There is nothing better then receiving a reply with, "Wow what's the next one? Who else should I read? I loved that."
I have my favorites of course but there are so many AWESOME
& talented Author's just waiting for a reader to discover them. I love receiving messages with readers telling me that they appreciate me and the time I take into the blog.
The difficulties is probably the time, because it does take allot. I want to make sure that I always put everything into it. I work full time and have 3 children plus I am writing my first book. I never want to slack on the blog. I want to continue with the personal touch and always give my followers what they have come to expect. Great books & New Author's to love & follow!
I have my favorites of course but there are so many AWESOME
& talented Author's just waiting for a reader to discover them. I love receiving messages with readers telling me that they appreciate me and the time I take into the blog.
The difficulties is probably the time, because it does take allot. I want to make sure that I always put everything into it. I work full time and have 3 children plus I am writing my first book. I never want to slack on the blog. I want to continue with the personal touch and always give my followers what they have come to expect. Great books & New Author's to love & follow!
Cristina's Book Reviews
The joys of blogging are all the new friends I've made all over the even led me to planning the Boston Author Event which is beyond amazing. The difficulties is that sometimes it's hard to keep up with reading, writing reviews and keeping the followers up to date with everything. Since I work full time and practice bikram yoga consistently, it leave a small window for my reading/blogging hobby. With all that said...I love it!
Holly Malgieri of I Love Indie Books
For me the best part of blogging is the friends I've made as a result of it, whether they're authors or fellow readers. I love that I found people just as passionate about reading as I am and how no matter where we all come from, we all have this one common bond that was able to bring us together.
The downside is sometimes feeling like the hard work and effort you put into blogging goes unappreciated. Also you put yourself out there for a potential verbal assault if you post an honest review about a book that others may disagree with.
The downside is sometimes feeling like the hard work and effort you put into blogging goes unappreciated. Also you put yourself out there for a potential verbal assault if you post an honest review about a book that others may disagree with.
My Secret Romance Book Reviews
The joys of blogging? Well, that would be meeting all the authors and romance readers online. Who knew that you could bond so closely with people who are hundreds of miles away over a book? That is the best thing about blogging for me. I have met some of my best friends through it. Never underestimate the power of a book.
The difficulties? Any blogger will say that running a blog is a full time job. And if they don't, they're lying! It's a labor of love for sure, but I wouldn't change a thing! Except hire some people to help me out. Thankfully, a few on my reviewers are willing to put the time in in the new year. I am so thankful for it too.
Free Romance iBooks
The joy... I love when people thank me for all the hard work I do finding freebies for them. As far as difficulties go, it takes a lot of time but that isn't something that bothers me to bad since I'd do most of the searching for myself anyway. Happy New Year! Thanks!
The joy of blogging is reading fantastic books by talented authors and then being able to share that love with so many people!! I feel blessed that I have met and made friends with so may awesome people through blogging. The only diffuclty I find is that I don't have nearly as much time as I want to put into promoting all the fabulous authors out there
BookEnd 2 BookEnd
Awesome! Sounds really cool! Thanks for thinking of me! That's just really heart warming!!
The joys of book blogging are the amazing people I get to meet! I have made so many good, trusting, loyal friends! I couldn't imagine my life without them now! Difficulties in book blogging?? LOL Well for me it would be there are just too many books and not enough time! I want to squeeze in so many books into my schedule, I must remember food is an important source to living!
The joys of book blogging are the amazing people I get to meet! I have made so many good, trusting, loyal friends! I couldn't imagine my life without them now! Difficulties in book blogging?? LOL Well for me it would be there are just too many books and not enough time! I want to squeeze in so many books into my schedule, I must remember food is an important source to living!
Hope that works for you! I can't wait to see what you have cooked up! Happy New Year Cris!
Denise Milano Sprung of Shh Mom's Reading
The joy of blogging for Christine and I is finding great reads and sharing them with others; it is so much fun to re-experience wonderful stories with followers. It is enjoyable to help amazing authors broaden their audience. The difficult part, there is just not enjoy time in the day, our To Read List just keeps growing.
Hi Cris,
Thanks for that.
I think I speak for GG as well when I say the joy would be discovering new books, falling in love with them, sharing them and then having someone tell us they loved it too. That makes it all worth while. Meeting fellow readers who sharing our passion for reading.
The difficulties. That would be the time it takes. When you're work full time, run a home and have a family, the blogging takes up a lot of time and having to pay for some giveaways yourself etc can be a bit difficult, but the joys by far outweigh any of the difficult stuff.
Hope that helps.
Happy New Year to you too!
The difficulties. That would be the time it takes. When you're work full time, run a home and have a family, the blogging takes up a lot of time and having to pay for some giveaways yourself etc can be a bit difficult, but the joys by far outweigh any of the difficult stuff.
Hope that helps.
Happy New Year to you too!
Sugar and Spice Book Reviews
I would say the best thing about book blogging is that I met my partner in crime Sugar(Pam) online through our mutual love of books and I am so glad to have met her! We talk every night and she is one of my closet friends. We have also had the opportunity to meet some really amazing authors who have been supportive of our page. Also, I can't say enough about the followers of our page - they are awesome! I really enjoy talking to them and sharing our passion with them. The only difficulties of blogging for us is that we both have families and full time jobs so it can be time consuming but we wouldn't give it up for anything! Thanks for doing's great! Spice(Brandi)
Book Crazy
Hi Cris!
Sure! Here is my answer!
The joys of blogging are that you get to share your opinion on something that really matters to you and also you can help people find their next read or maybe draw their attention to a new release which they may not have been aware of.
The difficulties with blogging are that sometimes it can take you a while to actually make your post so it is very time consuming but other than that its an amazing experience and I feel very fortunate that my blog is looked at by so many people. It is amazing! Thank you to all my followers!
The difficulties with blogging are that sometimes it can take you a while to actually make your post so it is very time consuming but other than that its an amazing experience and I feel very fortunate that my blog is looked at by so many people. It is amazing! Thank you to all my followers!
Thank you and Happy New Year!
List/Links of the Book Bloggers:
- The Book Avenue
- I Love Indie Books
- Kindlehooked
- Aestas Book Blog
- Autumn Review
- Literati, Literature, Lovers
- Into the Night Reviews
- Flirty and Dirty Book Blog
- Book Crazy
- BookEnd 2 BookEnd
- Natasha is a Book Junkie
- Sugar and Spice Book Review
- TotallyBooked
- Mommas's Book
- Shh Mom's Reading
- Tough Critic Book Review
- My Secret Romance Book Reviews
- Bookworms Unite
- Free Romance Ibooks
- Cristina's Book Reviews
- Bookaholics Anonymous
- I Heart Books
- Indie Authors, Books and More
- Romantic Reading Escape
- Books Bitches Blog
- Tammy & Kim Reviews
- Smitten's Bookblog
Thank you Cris for featuring us..:)
Thank you Cris! I totally <3 you!
Thank you so much! I can't believe I'm barely seeing this!! i appreciate it so much!! :)
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